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A growing number of people who move to Battersea are attracted to the area by its proximity to central London and lively facilities nearby. But a growing number of new residents settle here because of the high standard of schools on offer for their children. In fact, nearly every school in Wandsworth is rated either a good or outstanding by education standards watchdog Ofsted.
An annual report into the quality of schools and teaching in London by Ofsted reveals that 96% of the borough’s primary schools were classed as either good or outstanding in 2013/14. At the time, this was the second highest best quality score in London and a two percentage point improvement on the previous year. In 2013/14, Wandsworth’s primary schools achieved some of the best combined Key Stage 2 reading, writing and maths results in England. And the proportion of children progressing by at least two levels between Key Stages 1 and 2 was among the highest in the country.
The standard of education at secondary school level is equally impressive, according to Ofsted. It reports that the proportion of Wandsworth’s secondary schools rated as good or outstanding improved year on year with a 1% rise to 94% - the fourth best score recorded. Reacting to the positive school report, Wandsworth Council’s education spokesman Kathy Tracey said: “To be judged either good or outstanding a school really has to pull out all the stops. The quality of teaching has to be excellent, pupils must achieve great results, standards of behaviour must be exemplary and behind the scenes the school must be properly and efficiently managed and enjoy strong leadership from the headteacher, senior staff and governors.”
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
Belleville is “a shining example of a high performing, multicultural, state sector school,” as one parent rightly summarised this outstanding school. This was typical of the views of many and illustrates the very high regard the school is held in by parents. Pupils, too, are immensely proud of their school and enjoy everything that it has to offer. Outstanding and innovative leadership from the headteacher has created a school that is a vibrant and exciting place to visit.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
This is an outstanding school that provides a very high quality of education for its pupils. Pupils reach exceptionally high standards in their academic work and their personal development is outstanding because of excellent care by staff who work extremely well together. Standards in reading, mathematics and science are exceptionally high. Improvement since the last inspection has been very impressive. The vast majority of parents agree that the school is a very good one and are happy that their children enjoy school so much.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
The enthusiasm with which pupils talk about their school and show this in lessons is a key feature of Christ Church. Pupils, parents and carers believe that progress is good, and inspection findings fully endorse their views. Pupils become animated as they explain what they have been learning and are, invariably, very keen to do better. This positive attitude to learning is apparent across the school.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
The quality of the curriculum is outstanding and meets the needs of all pupils, including those who experience varying degrees of special educational needs. It provides outstanding opportunities for all pupils to learn and make progress and prepares them well for the next stage of their education by placing a strong basis on developing pupils’ literacy and numeracy.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
This is a good school. It has several outstanding features. Inspirational leadership by the headteacher, extremely well supported by other senior leaders, has led to considerable improvements in pupils' achievement since the last inspection. Throughout the school, the key value of No Child Left Behind is shared by absolutely everyone and pupils are continually encouraged to aim high in all they do. Equality and diversity are promoted exceptionally well.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
Inspection evidence, including scrutiny of pupils' work and lessons, shows that pupils from all backgrounds, including those who speak English as an additional language, make good progress overall because teaching is stimulating and the curriculum is well matched to their needs. Those with a range of special educational needs and/or disabilities make good progress because they receive high-quality targeted support in class or in small withdrawal groups.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
Honeywell Infant School is an outstanding school which has demonstrably gone from strength to strength… Under the determined leadership of the headteacher, the school provides very rich experiences for all pupils and is constantly seeking ways to improve further. Children get off to a flying start in the Early Years Foundation Stage and continue to make rapid progress.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
Pupils show great enjoyment in their lessons, want to learn and do well, so the vast majority attend regularly and promptly. The school is a happy and industrious place in which everyone is valued and encouraged to develop their individual talents. Social skills are very well developed and lunch and break times are enjoyable occasions. Pupils are proud of their school and they care for each other.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
Teachers use a range of effective strategies to ensure lessons are interesting… The curriculum supports pupils’ good progress because it enables links to be made between different subjects. In a music lesson, pupils had the chance to develop mathematical thinking and Year 6 pupils were using information technology to make short films from the perspective of characters in the book they were studying.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
The quality of the curriculum is outstanding. There are many reasons for this but a significant one is the highly successful blend of the French and English curricula for every age group. The French curriculum predominates, but the English curriculum is used in some subjects where the school believes that the English curriculum is more suitable to meet pupils’ needs.
Latest Independent Schools Inspectorate report
ISI summary:
The school fulfils its aims very well, successfully providing a challenging education and providing all pupils academically and personally for the next stage of their education. Pupils’ achievements are excellent, as are their attitudes to learning.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
Across the school, where teaching is outstanding, pupils are highly engaged in their learning. Teachers ask probing questions and demonstrate how to complete tasks. Activities continuously challenge pupils to make rapid progress.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
St George’s C of E Primary School is outstanding and goes from strength to strength and it sustains an excellent capacity to improve. There is a relentless approach to securing improvement. The school examines the impact of its practice continually to ensure that it realises its vision and that each child is able “to be the best that they can be”. All the parents and carers said that their children enjoy coming to this “wonderful” school.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
Pupils expressed a pride in the behaviour in their school and said that they all get on well, a typical comment being: “We look after each other at school.” Parents and carers, staff and members of the governing body all supported the positive views of the pupils, and parents and carers were eager to express how good the behaviour is at all times.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
Pupils from all different groups, including those who join the school at times other than the Early Years Foundation Stage and those in the bilingual stream, achieve equally well because eliminating discrimination and ensuring equality of opportunity is at the heart of the school’s ethos.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
The quality of teaching in all key stages over time is outstanding. This has a direct impact on the high quality of pupils’ learning and achievement, especially in English, reading and mathematics and in a range of other subjects.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
Pupils are overwhelmingly courteous and respectful to each other and to adults in the school. They behave in this way in lessons, around the school and at the breakfast and after school clubs. Break times are harmonious and enjoyable times for all pupils.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
Good and outstanding teaching is characterised by a rapid pace and high levels of challenge. This is as a result of carefully planned activities, where teachers have a strong understanding of students’ starting points. Skilful questioning checks students’ learning and probes and pushes them to think more deeply.
Latest Independent Schools Inspectorate report
ISI summary:
The overall quality of the pupils’ learning and achievement is good and it is often excellent. The school successfully meets its aim to provide a broad-based education which enables all pupils to discover their strengths and develop their individual talents. Academic achievement is good because the pupils are keenly interested in their lessons and the teaching is of a high standard.
The Harris Academy Battersea opening in September 2014 and has yet to undergo a full Ofsted inspection. However, the school’s stated aim is to “shape the lives of its students by providing them with the best possible academic outcomes from outstanding courses and – crucially – the experiences and guidance that will help them become resilient, resourceful, reflective and respectful, emotionally intelligent global citizens”.
Latest Ofsted report
Ofsted summary:
Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and use this to plan well-paced lessons which they deliver with enthusiasm. Learning objectives are consistently used to focus and test learning during lessons and questioning is used effectively. The rapport between teachers and students is excellent which leads to safe learning environments.
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